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Bulk Faxing Communication Tips

Using faxes to communicate to branches, contract workers, shift workers or others without a fixed or work-based email address can be done efficiently and effectively with a fax broadcast service.

Below are some tips to enhance your communication process.

Fax Based Communication Tips

  • Ensure the faxes are appropriately addressed, be it to the individual or group.
  • Schedule faxes to be sent at the right times, so the correct recipients are there to receive the faxes and they are not left lying around with the potential to be lost.
  • Be consistent; whether it be the style of writing, the content or the timing of the fax. Get people into a routine. This will ensure the faxes are read.
  • Consider the headline and content. Be direct and focused. Long winded stories do not always get the message across. Be clear with your message.
  • If numerous people need to read the fax ensure it can be put on a noticeboard or copied as is appropriate.
  • Avoid large images or colours. Stick to easily readable fonts such as Arial or Verdana and faxes that are in pure black and white. This also reduces ink requirements and saves money.
  • Ensure you have no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
  • Sign off the fax clearly so recipients are aware of where the fax came from and any actions required.
  • Ensure there is a return fax number or process so that if required, recipients have some means of providing feedback, if appropriate.

Good communication and communication processes are imperative to any organisation, to ensure people remain motivated, informed and up to date.

Fax based communications have their place alongside other technologies and should be included as appropriate to deliver reports, results, messages, news or information to achieve your organisational goals.

With these, you need a reliable and quality internet fax services. With UTBox we make sure that fax messages are delivered correctly and on-time.  Try us today for free click on the button below to create an account.